Monday, April 19, 2010

Dot Distribution Maps

A dot-distribution maps is a dot-distribution map that portrays quantitative data as a dot which represents a number of the phenomenon found within the boundary of a geographic area. The pattern of distributed dots reflects the general locations where the phenomenon was most likely to occur. The pattern and number of dots within a geographic area reveal the density of the phenomenon. There are two types of dot-distribution maps, a traditional dot map and an increase/decrease dot map. A traditional dot map shows the distribution of a phenomenon. An increase/decrease dot map shows increasing and decreasing data values as they related to the last agricultural census. This map represents a dot-distribution map using both traditional and increase/decrease dot maps, because it shows the number of Wal-marts throughout the United States as represented by the dots. The dots show the areas where Wal-Marts are highly present versus the areas where Wal-Marts are scarce.

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